Embedded Software
E-Learning Paket

Das E-Learning-Paket “Embedded Software Developer” ist ein umfassendes Programm, das die Lernenden mit grundlegenden Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten im Bereich der Entwicklung eingebetteter Software ausstattet. Dieses Paket deckt eine breite Palette von Themen ab, um ein umfassendes Verständnis des Themas zu vermitteln.

Embedded Academy: E-Learning für die Embedded Branche. Embedded System- und Softwareentwicklung, Elektrotechnik, Automotive und Elektromobilität.

Dieses E-Learning-Paket richtet sich an alle, die sich mit der Entwicklung eingebetteter Software befassen möchten, unabhängig davon, ob Sie Anfänger sind oder Ihre vorhandenen Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. Nach Abschluss des Kurses werden Sie über das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten verfügen, die Sie benötigen, um in diesem dynamischen und wichtigen Technologiebereich hervorragende Leistungen zu erbringen.

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Wir empfehlen, die Embedded-Software-Kurse zu nutzen, um Grundkenntnisse und einen Überblick über Embedded- und Software-Themen zu erwerben. Die links aufgeführten Kurse und ihre Reihenfolge bieten optimale Effizienz.


Darüber hinaus vermittelt der Kurs Kryptographie die notwendigen Kenntnisse über verschlüsselte Datenübertragung und verschiedene Techniken.

Auch die Grundlagen der Elektronik und Elektrotechnik gehören zur Arbeit von Embedded-Software-Entwicklern, weshalb das Paket mit diesem Kurs vervollständigt wird.


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Embedded Software Basics
  • Language: English, German
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide a sound basic knowledge on which other topics, such as AUTOSAR, can build.
  • Course content: Currently, one e-learning on fixed point arithmetic is available and one on floating point arithmetic. Two ways of storing binary numbers are described, and limitations and typical errors of the methods are explained. This helps to avoid beginner mistakes and enables a quick introduction to the basics of embedded software.

Introduction to Serial Bus System
  • Language: English, German
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to introduce learners to all the important basic terms for the topic of serial bus systems.
  • Course content: This course is designed to introduce you to important basic terms related to serial bus systems. Terms concerning hardware and software are explained.
  • The focus of the first e-learning lies on very general basic terms that are relevant to most bus systems. For example, the terms bit rate, baud rate, latency, clock signal and router are explained, or what a protocol and a protocol stack actually are. At the beginning of the e-Learning, typical application areas of serial bus systems and their advantages over other systems are described.
  • The second e-learning deals with the OSI model, which is a reference model for communication systems and protocols. Two components of this model are particularly relevant for bus systems: the so-called physical layer and the data link layer.
  • The last two e-learning courses are based on these mentioned layers. One of them covers basic terms of the physical layer, the other one those of the data link layer.

Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC
  • Language: German
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand how to calculate various CRC checksums
  • Course content: The e-learning course consists of three e-learning: “CRC Definition,” “CRC-8,” and “CRC-16.” In this course, you will acquire the necessary knowledge to understand the calculation of CRC checksums. The first module imparts the definition and function of the CRC checksum. The modules are organized in ascending order of CRC sums, and the calculations are always explained using examples. In the “CRC Definition” module, we uncover its significance, explore various CRC lengths, and delve into its principles, including functionality, polynomial representation, and generator polynomial. In “E-Learning CRC-8,” we delve deeper into CRC-8 calculation, explaining steps with examples. Explore how the sender generates the CRC-8 checksum and how the receiver verifies message accuracy. Continuing the journey, “CRC-16” explores CRC-16 calculation through detailed examples. Learn how CRC-16 is generated and verified, addressing diverse message lengths. Whether new to CRC or seeking a deep dive, this course empowers your understanding.

Operating System
  • Language: English
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide a basic knowledge of operating systems and the various components and functions they contain.
  • Course content: In this course, you learn what an operating system is. Therefore, you are familiarized with the kernel, which holds the core functionality of the operating system and you get to know the scheduler, which controls the execution of multiple tasks and allocates resources to them. This is covered in greater detail in the chapter “Multitasking”. To complete this course, safety and other advanced aspects are covered as well as the characteristics of embedded operating systems.

Real-Time Operating System
  • Language: English
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide a basic knowledge of real-time operating systems. The learner will understand what a real-time operating system is and how it works.
  • Course content: You will learn when real-time operating systems are needed and which requirements they have. In particular, we cover the difference between soft real-time requirements and hard real-time requirements. You will also encounter the term “timing analysis” and learn about the difference between time-based tasks and event-based tasks. At the end you will be familiarized with three scheduling algorithms, before we cover three typical problems: task starvation, deadlock and race conditions.

  • Language: English, German
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand the various encryption methods, how they are used, and which mechanisms are most useful for which application during implementation.
  • Course content: The course on cryptography is divided into two parts.
  • First, the focus is on classical cryptography, presented in three e-learnings. We begin with a general introduction to the topic, which is followed by a historical overview. Thereby, we will encounter the most famous classical encryption methods: the Scytale, the Caesar Cipher, the Vigenère Cipher, the One-Time Pad and the Enigma.
  • The second part then moves on from this historical encryption to modern methods, also divided into three e-learnings. Here, using the example of Alice and Bob, A to B encryption from the sender (A) to receiver (B) is explained for the three basic types (symmetric, asymmetric, and hybrid) and further illuminated using concrete methods such as the DES, AES, RSA and the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.

Electronics and Electrical Fundamentals
  • Language: English
  • Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide a basic technical understanding of all relevant topics in the area of electricity.
  • Course content: The first e-learning unit of this course is called “Electronics and Magnetism”. It covers the relationship between current, voltage and resistance, which is expressed by Ohm’s law. In addition, electric and magnetic fields are contrasted and different types of magnets are considered.
  • The second e-learning unit deals with the important components of a circuit, the capacitor and the coil, as well as the resulting phenomena and physical laws, the Lorentz Force, the Hall Effect and the principle of induction.
  • Furthermore, direct current and alternating current are analyzed. For the analysis of circuits, Kirchhoff’s Laws and the circuit types parallel circuit and series circuit are explained. With regard to alternating current, the Star connection and the Delta connection are considered.
  • The topic of AC circuits is covered in greater detail. Therefore, the complex numbers are explained in order to then discuss the complex voltage and the complex current. Furthermore, this chapter covers the impedance and the Root Mean Square.
  • The last part of the e-learning contains an introduction to power electronics, which is based on semiconductor elements. In addition to teaching technical basics, it explains how various components can be constructed using semiconductors. Here, special attention is paid to the diode and the MOSFET. The user is therefore familiarized with the concept of the p-n-junction.