Automotive Project Manager - Learning Journey
The combination of courses is perfect for a Project Manager within the automotive domain.
Automotive Project Manager
The "Automotive Project Manager" e-learning package is a structured program designed to equip you with the essential skills to manage automotive system and software development projects, particularly those involving electrical control units. This course blends traditional project management principles with the specific needs of the automotive industry.
As the sector becomes more reliant on complex software and electronics, it’s crucial for project managers to understand both general management and the technical aspects of automotive systems. This journey starts with embedded software development and electronics, progressing to key industry standards like Automotive SPICE and automotive cybersecurity.
The courses build upon each other, providing you with the tools needed to successfully manage automotive projects and tackle the challenges of this evolving field. Start with a solid foundation and progress towards mastering the complexities of Automotive SPICE and cybersecurity to lead projects confidently.
Courses within the E-Learning Package
This education program is provided as a set of e-learning courses. In the first part you are provided with a structured overview, next the courses are explained in more detail.
Learning Journey
With the learning journey we intend to provide you with an orientation for planning your training progress.
It is recommended to go through the e-learning courses in the order in which they are explained.
Embedded Software Development and Electronics
The first part covers essential knowledge for embedded software development including specific Automotive topics and electronics and electrical engineering knowhow, which you will not need to understand in detail, but should know at least to a certain extend:
Serial bus systems Learn about their architecture, protocols, and components, along with the OSI model for layered communication. This includes software as well as hardware aspects. |
Automotive Bus Systems Learn about the specific automotive serial bus system SENT |
AUTOSAR provides you with a general understanding of this Automotive standard which will help you to navigate through the extensive set of specifications. |
Lastly, the course delves into electronics and electrical fundamentals, encompassing topics like electronics and magnetism, circuitry, alternating current circuits, and the basics of power electronics, which are crucial for embedded system developers. |
Automotive SPICE
In this section we focus on Automotive SPICE in the both versions which are currently widely in use: 3.1 and 4.0:
V3.1 Automotive SPICE - Overview
This course provides you with a general understanding of ASPICE by introducing you to ASPICE including the Process Reference Model PRM and the Process Assessment Model and by providing an example. |
V3.1 Automotive SPICE - Acquisition and Supply
This course covers the most important processes of the acquisition and supply process grops namely Supplier Monitoring ACQ.4 and Product Release SPL.2. |
V3.1 Automotive SPICE - Engineering
In this extensive course the ASPICE processes of the Systems Éngineering Group SYS.1 - SYS.5 and the Software Engingeering Group SWE.1 - SWE.6 are coverd. |
V3.1 Automotive SPICE - Management
This course covers the most important processes of the management process group namely Project Management Process MAN.3 and Risk Mangement Process MAN.5. |
V3.1 Automotive SPICE - Supporting Processes
This course covers the supporting processes which are part of the VDA scope namely the most important processes of the management process group namely to Quality Assurance SUP.1, Configuration Management SUP.8, Problem Resolution Management SUP.9, and Change Request Management SUP.10 |
V4.0 Automotive SPICE - Overview
This course provides you with a general understanding of ASPICE PAM 4.0 by introducing you to ASPICE including the Process Reference Model PRM and the Process Assessment Model and by providing an example. |
V4.0 Automotive SPICE - Acquisition and Supply
This course covers the most important processes of the acquisition and supply process grops namely Supplier Monitoring ACQ.4 and Product Release SPL.2. |
V4.0 Automotive SPICE - Management
This course covers the Project Management Process MAN.3 for ASPICE PAM 4.0. |
Automotive Cybersecurity
In this section we focus on knowhow which is relevant for automotive cybersecurity.
Information Security
This course provides you with a general understanding of information security. This includes the important term, goals and affected parties but also provides information on practical implementation, risks, threats and measures.
Automotive Cybersecurity
You get introduced to the main reasons for the implementation as well as the top attack points. The course also explains the cybersecurity threat analysis and risk assessment TARA as well cybersecurity controls and requirements and cybersecurity verification and validation testing. |
Introduction to Cryptograpy
We begin with a general introduction to the topic including the explanation of the protagonists especially Alice and Bob. Then we move on to explain the three basic types symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hybrid encryption. |
Mathematics in Encryption
This course is covering the mathematics background for understanding the encrption methods. First, the terms substitution and permutation are explained, then the mathematical background of function and inverse function is illustrated and finally you will be introduced to XOR and modulo.. |
Encryption Methods
This course is covering the encrption methods DES (Data Encryption Standard), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and RSA. |
E-Learning Course Descriptions
Serial Bus Systems
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to introduce learners to all the important basic terms for the topic of se-rial bus systems.
Course content: This course is designed to introduce you to important basic terms related to serial bus systems. Terms concerning hardware and software are explained.
Duration: 2 hours, 50 minutes Study time: 14 hours, 10 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Automotive Bus Systems
Language: English, German
Course objective: This course is aimed at all developers who already use automotive bus systems, want to use them or want to learn how they are structured.
Course content: In this course you will learn about different bus systems that are mainly used in the automotive environment.
Duration: 45 minutes Study time: 3 hours, 45 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand what AUTOSAR™ is so that you are able to develop software related to AUTOSAR™.
Course content: The course introduces AUTOSAR™ as an organization, explains the standard it defines and addresses the methodology as well as the classic platform from the release R19-11.
Duration: 3 hours, 50 minutes Study time:19 hours, 10 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Electronics and Electrical Fundamentals
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide a basic technical understanding of all relevant topics in the area of electronics and electricity.
Course content: The first e-learning unit of this course is called “Electronics and Magnetism”. It covers the relationship between current, voltage and resistance, which is expressed by Ohm’s law. In addition, electric and magnetic fields are contrasted and different types of magnets are considered.
Duration: 3 hours, 10 minutes Study time: 15 hours, 50 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V3.1 ASPICE Overview
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand ASPICE and to get to know the purpose of this standard.
Course content: The course “V3.1 ASPICE – Overview” is divided into two e-learning units and provides basic knowledge about Automotive SPICE. The first E-Learning provides reasons that speak for Auto-motive SPICE and introduces further standards that are relevant to the topic of Automotive SPICE.
Duration: English: 1 hour, 5 minutes and German: 1 hour, 35 minutes Study time: English: 5 hours, 25 minutes and German: 7 hours, 55 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V3.1 ASPICE - Acquisition and Supply
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand ASPICE and to get detailed information about the sup-plier monitoring and product release.
Course content: In this course we focus on the processes which are relevant for the VDA Scope as the VDA Scope is mandatory for more or less every automotive electronics and software projects. In addition, we consider the processes which will also be relevant for ASPICE 4.0. For the acquisition process group this applies to Supplier Monitoring ACQ.4 as it is part of the VDA Scope and to the Product Release SPL.2 as it will also be relevant for ASPICE 4.0.
Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes Study time: 6 hours, 15 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V3.1 ASPICE - Engineering
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand ASPICE and to get detailed information about the engineering processes.
Course content: The course “V3.1 ASPICE – Engineering” is divided into four e-learning units. Each of them ex-plains one or more processes. It covers all processes of the System Engineering Process Group SYS and the Software Engineering Group SWE.
Duration: 2 hours, 50 minutes Study time: 14 hours, 10 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V3.1 ASPICE - Management
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand ASPICE and to get detailed information about the management processes.
Course content: The course “V3.1 ASPICE – Management” currently includes two e-learning covering the Management Process Group.
Duration: 1 hour Study time: 5 hours
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V3.1 ASPICE - Supporting Processes
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to get detailed information about of Supporting Process Group and Supplier Monitoring of V3.1 ASPICE.
Course content: In this course we focus on the processes which are part of the VDA Scope and thus mandatory for more or less every automotive electronics and software project. For the supporting processes this applies to Quality Assurance SUP.1, Configuration Management SUP.8, Problem Resolution Management SUP.9, and Change Request Management SUP.10. The course is divided into several e-learning units. Each of them covers one process and its work products. At the beginning of each e-learning the respective process group is introduced and you get to know the connections between the different processes. The e-learning highlight connection between different topics. This is particularly helpful for practical application work when processes and relationships need to be understood.
Duration: 1 hour, 45 minutes Study time: 8 hours, 45 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V4.0 ASPICE - Overview
Language: English
Course objective: The target of this course is to understand V4.0 ASPICE and to get to know the purpose of this standard.
Course content: The course “V4.0 ASPICE Overview” is structured into three e-learning units and provides you with a general knowledge about Automotive SPICE.
Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes Study time: 8 hours, 20 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V4.0 ASPICE - Acquisition and Supply
Language: English
Course objective: The target of this course is to understand V4.0 ASPICE and to get detailed information about the supplier monitoring and the product release.
Course content:In this course we provide e-learning units to the acquisition process group and the supply process group. The processes are Supplier Monitoring ACQ.4 and Product Release SPL.2.
Duration: 1 hour, 25 minutes Study time: 7 hours, 5 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
V4.0 ASPICE - Management
Language: English
Course objective: The goal of this course is to understand ASPICE and to get detailed information about the management processes.
Course content: The course “V4.0 ASPICE – Management” currently covers one e-learning for the first of the three processes within the Management Process Group.
Duration: 50 minutes Study time: 4 hours, 10 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Information Security
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide an overview of information security so that its interrelation-ships and importance become clear.
Course content: The course is divided into 3 parts. First, important terms of information security are defined and the underlying goals are explained. Furthermore, it is clarified who is affected by information security and what it is needed for.
Duration: 1 hour Study time: 5 hours
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Automotive Cybersecurity
Language: English
Course objective: The aim of this course is to get an overview of what is relevant in the topic of automotive cyber-security. The learner will be aware why automotive cybersecurity is important and how it is regulated, implemented, and controlled.
Course content: In the first e-learning unit of this course, you learn why automotive cybersecurity matters. You get introduced to the main reasons for the implementation as well as the top attack points. In the following, you get to know the upcoming regulations and standards as well as the role of cybersecurity in the product life cycle. Then, you get to know the cybersecurity threat analysis and risk assessment, also known as TARA. It is explained through an example so it is easy to understand. At the end of this course, you will learn what the cybersecurity controls and requirements are and you will take a closer look at the cybersecurity verification and validation testing.
Duration: 60 minutes Study time: 5 hours
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Introduction to Cryptography
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand the various encryption methods, how they are used, and which mechanisms are most useful for which application during implementation.
Course content: We begin with a general introduction to the topic including the explanation of the protagonists specially Alice and Bob.
Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes Study time: 6 hours, 15 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Mathematics in Encryption
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to provide the mathematical basis for understanding the encryption methods.
Course content: This e-learning explains important mathematical basics that are required for cryptography. In the following chapters, we explain some of the important concepts that are necessary to understand the encryption and decryption methods: First, the terms substitution and permutation are explained, then the mathematical background of function and inverse function is illustrated and finally you will be introduced to XOR and modulo.
Duration: 40 minutes Study time: 3 hours, 20 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Encryption Methods
Language: English, German
Course objective: The aim of this course is to understand the various encryption methods which are commonly used in modern cryptography.
Course content: In this course we introduce you to different symmetric and asymetric encryption methods namely DES (Data Encryption Standard), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) and the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange.
Duration: 1 hour, 55 minutes Study time: 9 hours, 35 minutes
Further insights: YouTube trailer: |
Product Conditions
Embedded Academy Delivery Content
- for one user
- to all e-learning courses
- for the purchased time period
of the Embedded Academy.
You require an internet access throughout the learning process.
The e-learning run on all devices but we recommend using devices with larger screens such as laptops, computers, or bigger tablet computers.
License model
The customer receives a license code for each access purchased and a description on how to use the code.
After expiry of the acquired period of use the access to the e-learning platform expires.
You will find an excerpt of our customers at our homepage:
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Availability of support
We will provide you with all the necessary support:
- Mail:
- Phone: +49 9404 / 3004160
- FAQs:
- User manual:
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We will get back to you as soon as possible..
Please note: Eclipseina provides the e-learning content with an overall availability of at least 95%. The overall availability is calculated on the basis of the period covered by the contract in the respective calendar month minus maintenance work. Eclipseina is entitled to carry out maintenance work at any time on weekdays for a total of two hours per calendar month. Excluded from this are downtimes due to maintenance and software updates as well as periods during which the web server is not available on the internet due to technical or other problems beyond Eclipseina's sphere of influence.