E-Learning Course Electric Vehicle System
E-Learning Electric Vehicle System (70 min)
- System Powertrain
- Electric Drive System Design
- Functional Safety
- System Energy Management
The target of this course to introduce you to the topic of electric vehicles.
It is suitable for everyone who is new to the topic of electric vehicles and electrified powertrain. For the first e-learnings you don’t need any prerequisites, but the last one covers more advances topics. So you should have some fundamental knowledge of physics, electricity, and electronics. Moreover, we recommend some knowledge of electrical machines, and battery management systems.
Course Content
What Is E-Mobility?
Electric mobility is often immediately associated with electric cars, meaning street vehicles that are powered by an electric motor and rely on the power grid for their energy supply.
However, there is more to it. Taking a systemic approach, also the energy supply side as well as the charging and grid infrastructure have to be considered. This means questions such as: Where does the energy come from? Is it green and sustainable? But also aspects such as: How does the charging process work? What do I need for electric charging? How can I charge at home, or even in a public space?
These questions demonstrate that these aspects are all interconnected, and hence electric mobility cannot be reduced to electric vehicles solely.
Why Is E-Mobility Needed?
First and foremost, electric mobility and electric vehicles are essential for the reduction of CO2 emissions. These emissions have a strong impact on the climate and the environment. In the face of climate change, (pure) electric vehicles offer the benefit that there is no CO2 emission while driving them unlike with gasoline or diesel cars. However, in order to fully exploit the potential of this CO2 emission reduction, also the power supply must become sustainable, e.g., by using renewable energies.
Reduced CO2 emissions also means better air quality, which in turn has a positive impact on people’s life quality and health. This is particularly important in densely populated, urban areas, where a lot of transportation in a comparatively small area takes place. Additionally, electric vehicles are much quieter.
A third aspect, which speaks for e-mobility and a switch to electric energy as the main power supply, is oil shortage. Gasoline and diesel are produced from fossil fuels, such as oil, which are finite resources and will eventually run out.
How Is E-Mobility Related to Embedded Systems?
Various aspects of electric mobility and electric transportation, such as effective provision of electrical energy, safe and reliable batteries due to the battery management system (BMS) or reliable charging infrastructure, are based on an intelligent hardware platform in the vehicle.
Also, the infrastructure side is equipped with embedded systems, such as the electronics and embedded software for the charge controller within the charging station.
In addition, high-functioning interfaces for communication, sensors and control are required as well both within the vehicle and within the charging station
These tasks rely on embedded systems which are responsible for efficient control of the power electronics, the battery and the power flow of electric vehicles and for implementing reliable charging and billing on the infrastructure side.
What Do You Learn About E-Mobility in the Embedded Academy E-Learning?
The e-learnings introduce the user to different topics relevant to understand the relevance and scope of e-mobility.
First of all, the learner will be introduced to the correct terminology to talk about this topic. We will have a look at which trends influenced the growth of electric mobility and how this might have changed the (automotive) market. This also includes highlighting the different use cases of electric vehicles and explaining the model of the total cost of ownership (TCO), which allows for a calculation of the total costs of a vehicle during its lifetime.
The next e-learning then focusses more closely on charging itself. The basics of EV charging will be explained, as well as different charging standards and modes, charging plugs or bidirectional charging. The topic of EV charging is also more extensively explained in a separate course, which you can find here.
The unit on „Electric Vehicle Systems” concentrates on the system architecture and elements of the system powertrain. This includes discussing basic electric drive system design, considering aspects of functional safety and highlighting various elements of the system energy management.
Note that another course covers information on the electrified powertrain, such as battery, power electronics (PE) and electrical machines. It can be found here.
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